Saturday, 20 May 2023

How to earn money from YouTube

 لكسب المال من خلال اليوتيوب باللغة العربية، يمكنك اتباع الخطوات التالية:

1. إنشاء قناة يوتيوب: قم بإنشاء حساب على YouTube وأنشئ قناة جديدة باللغة العربية.

2. انتقاء مجال محتوى: اختر موضوعًا أو اهتمامًا تجيده ويثير اهتمام الجمهور العربي. قد تكون ذلك الألعاب، الطبخ، الموضة، التقنية، السفر، أو أي مجال آخر.

3. إنتاج محتوى جيد: قم بإنتاج مقاطع فيديو عالية الجودة وممتعة ومفيدة للمشاهدين. يمكنك تصوير فيديوهات تعليمية، فعاليات، تجارب، مراجعات، أو أي نوع آخر من المحتوى الذي يستهوي جمهورك المستهدف.

4. بناء قاعدة جمهور: اجتهد في بناء قاعدة جمهور مخلصة عبر التفاعل مع المشاهدين، الرد على تعليقاتهم واستفساراتهم، وتشجيعهم على الاشتراك ومشاركة مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك.

5. الاستفادة من برنامج الشراكة مع اليوتيوب: بمجرد أن تكون قناتك مؤهلة وتتمتع بقاعدة جماهيرية كبيرة، يمكنك التقدم لبرنامج الشراكة مع اليوتيوب. من خلال الانضمام إلى البرنامج، ستحقق الإيرادات عن طريق عرض الإعلانات في مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك.

6. ترويج قناتك: قم بترويج قناتك ومحتواك عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ومواقع الويب الأخرى. استغل أيضًا الكلمة المنتشرة للفيديوهات الخاصة بك من خلال مشاركتها مع الأصدقاء والعائلة وطلب تعليقات 

Written by sufyan rahmani 

History of turkey

 Turkey, officially known as the Republic of Turkey, has a rich and diverse history spanning thousands of years. Here is a concise overview of its history:

- Ancient Times: The region that is now Turkey has been inhabited since prehistoric times. It was home to various civilizations, including the Hittites, Phrygians, Greeks, and Romans.

- Byzantine Empire: In the 4th century AD, the Roman Empire split, and the eastern portion became the Byzantine Empire. Constantinople (present-day Istanbul) became its capital and a center of trade and culture.

- Seljuk and Ottoman Empires: In the 11th century, the Seljuk Turks migrated to Anatolia and established the Seljuk Sultanate of Rum. In the 13th century, the Mongols invaded Anatolia, leading to the collapse of the Seljuk state. Afterward, the Ottoman Empire emerged as a small principality, expanding over the next centuries.

- Rise and Expansion: Under the leadership of Mehmed the Conqueror, the Ottomans captured Constantinople in 1453, marking the end of the Byzantine Empire. The empire expanded, encompassing vast territories in Europe, Asia, and Africa, becoming a major world power.

- Decline and Modernization: By the 17th century, the Ottoman Empire began to decline and faced challenges from European powers. The empire implemented various reforms and modernization efforts, known as the Tanzimat period, in the 19th century.

- Turkish Republic: After World War I, the empire collapsed, and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk led a successful Turkish War of Independence. In 1923, the Republic of Turkey was established, with Atatürk as its first president. He implemented sweeping reforms, transforming Turkey into a secular and modern nation.

- Recent History: Turkey experienced political and economic changes throughout the 20th century. It became a member of NATO in 1952 and has sought closer ties with Europe. However, the country has faced challenges such as political polarization, military coups, and conflicts with Kurdish separatists.

- Present Day: Turkey remains a prominent player in regional and international affairs. It has a mixed economy, a diverse cultural heritage, and a growing population. However, it also faces ongoing challenges related to human rights, freedom of speech, and political stability.

This summary provides a concise overview of Turkey's history, but it is important to note that there are many more details and complexities to explore.

Written by sufyan rahmani 

History of Lucknow


लखनऊ का इतिहास:

लखनऊ उत्तर प्रदेश, भारत के एक प्रमुख शहर है जिसका ऐतिहासिक महत्व बहुत ऊँचा है। इसका इतिहास काफी पुराना है और यहां कई महत्वपूर्ण और सांस्कृतिक घटनाएं हुई हैं।

लखनऊ का इतिहास मुग़ल साम्राज्य के समय से जुड़ा हुआ है। मुग़ल सम्राट अकबर ने इसे अपनी साम्राज्यिक राजधानी बनाया था और उसके बाद शाहजहाँ और अवध के नवाबों ने भी इसे महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थान बनाया। इस काल में लखनऊ विकास के केंद्र में से एक था और यहां साहित्य, कला, संगीत, वाणिज्य, शिक्षा आदि के क्षेत्र में भी विशेष महत्त्व रखता था।

बाद में, लखनऊ नवाबों की अवध के सल्तनत से संबंधित हुआ। लखनऊ नवाबशाही काल में शहर की सुंदरता, ग्रामीण संस्कृति और रूमाली ब्रोकेड़ के कारण प्रसिद्ध हुआ। इस काल में लखनऊ का शहरी नजारा, बाजार, खाना-पीना, विश्राम स्थल और अस्पतालों की व्यवस्था भी महत्वपूर्ण बन गई।

ब्रिटिश शासन क 

✍️By sufyan rahmani 

बिहार का इतिहास

 बिहार का इतिहास:

बिहार, भारत का एक प्रमुख राज्य है जिसका ऐतिहासिक महत्व बहुत ऊँचा है। इसका इतिहास एकाधिक युगों तक विस्तृत है। बिहार का इतिहास विशाल धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक विरासत के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। 

वास्तविकता में, बिहार का इतिहास अत्यंत प्राचीन है और यहां कई महत्वपूर्ण और प्रभावशाली साम्राज्य बने हैं। बिहार का इतिहास महाजनपद काल से आरंभ होता है, जब यह एक प्रमुख महाजनपद के रूप में था। इसके बाद इसे मौर्य साम्राज्य की राजधानी बनाया गया, जिसके शासक सम्राट अशोक प्रसिद्ध हैं। अशोक के पश्चात बिहार में गुप्त साम्राज्य का आगमन हुआ, जिसने राज्य की अखंडता और विकास को बढ़ाया। 

बिहार इतिहास में धार्मिक स्थलों का भी महत्वपूर्ण स्थान है। बौद्ध धर्म के महान धर्मगुरु गौतम बुद्ध का जन्मस्थान बिहार में ही है। वैष्णव और शैव मठों के संस्थापक श्रीकृष्ण और महादेव का भी बिहार में जन्म हु.  

✍️By sufyan rahmani 

Sunday, 30 May 2021

what is the coronavirus


>> So the whole family of coronaviruses are named Coronavirus
because corona means crown, and so this refers
to the way that the virus looks under the microscope,
like there's a crown on the top of the virus.
Some of them, four or five different kinds,
cause common diseases among humans,
everything from the common cold
to mild or moderate respiratory illnesses.
Other kinds of coronaviruses affect animals,
and sometimes, on rare occasions, we see coronaviruses jump
from animal species into the human population.

The 2019 novel coronavirus is getting a lot of attention now
because it is a new kind of coronavirus
we haven't seen among humans before.
The theory is that it may have jumped from an animal species
into the human population, and then begun spreading.
We have seen some people that have died of this disease,
and we know that there are already thousands of cases.
So people are concerned, because we don't yet know exactly
how severe the disease will be or how far it will spread.

When a new virus emerges, we often have to learn much more
about it, and one of the things that we question
is how does it transmit from person to person?
We know that most respiratory viruses are spread
by large droplets that come out when people cough
and sneeze, and stay aloft usually
for about six feet in front of them.
They land on surfaces, and then can also be transmitted
between person to person by touching those surfaces,
such as door knobs or other surfaces.
Other viruses can spread in the air and stay aloft
for a longer period of time in small droplet nuclei.
For this current 2019 coronavirus, we're not yet sure
whether it is droplet or airborne transmission,
so we're erring on the side of caution and taking protection
as if it was spread by the airborne route.

We're still learning a lot about
this 2019 novel coronavirus, to understand
how dangerous it might be.
Right now, the majority of the cases are in China.
We know that some travelers have brought the virus
to other countries, including the United States.
I think one of the main things to keep in mind
is that this is respiratory virus season,
and we have other respiratory viruses like influenza
that we need to take precautions because we know
we have thousands of cases and thousands of deaths
in this country every year from influenza.

Given the ongoing transmission of the virus in China,
we have a travel alert that was issued
by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
So at this time, until we know more,
avoid non-essential travel to China.
Johns Hopkins Health System and health systems
across the nation are busy right now preparing
to safely identify, isolate, evaluate, and care
for patients with the 2019 novel coronavirus.
We have the capability of doing this safely
by utilizing personal protective equipment,
by implementing travel screenings so that
we can quickly identify patients

who have risk factors for the disease,
and then implementing isolation precautions, the use
of personal protective equipment, and other measures
to make sure that we limit the spread of the virus.

At the Johns Hopkins Hospital and throughout
our health system, we routinely care for patients infected
with diseases that are spread by the airborne route,
so we have expertise to do this safely.
When a new virus comes along that has unknown risks,
we have extra measures that we can put in place, including
our biocontainment unit that can advise us and put plans
in place to safely care for these patients.                               

by Sufyan Rahmani

Biography of Maulana Faisal Wali Rahmani

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